22.03.2012 |Stockholm | Sweden
Workshop on Redevelopment of "The old gas works area"
On march 22nd the City of Stockholm and the Development administration/Stockholm Royal Seaport, arranges a seminar on the redevelopment of "The old gas works area" of Hjorthagen. The gas works area contains cultural historical values with Swedish architect Ferdinand Boberg’s brick gasholders from late 19th century as important landmarks. The gasholders are to be preserved and are earmarked for cultural entertainment.
Tomas Örn from the Stockholm City Museum and the project Co2ol Bricks, will talk about ongoing projects and research programmes on energy efficiency measures and heritage buildings.
Stockholm Royal Seaport www.stockholm.se/Fristaende-webbplatser/Fackforvaltningssajter/Exploateringskontoret/Hjorthagen-Vartahamnen-Frihamnen-Loudden/In-english1/Norra-Djurgardsstaden/
Nordbygg is an construction industry event. www.nordbygg.se/en