05.12.2013 | Hamburg | Germany
Study-Tour to submitted World Heritage Site
On December 5th 2013, some of the project partners joined a guided tour through the historic office and warehouse districts “Kontorhausviertel” and “Speicherstadt”. more
04.12.2013 | Hamburg | Germany
Learning at On-Site Classroom
On the morning of December 4th 2013 the Co2olBricks Project Partners met at the Ausbildungszentrum Bau (AZB) Vocational Training Centre and got a guided tour through the training hall for brick layers, street plasterers and for pipe layers. Afterwards the project evaluation and the future Interreg BSR programme were presented and discussed.
In the afternoon of the day the Co2olBricks project partners held an on-site classroom on the site of the pilot project Holstenkamp and on the site of the research site Passierzettel. more
03.12.2013 | Hamburg | Germany
The End is the Beginning - Speeches, Presentations and Joint Declaration at „Result Conference“
On December 3rd 2013, more than 200 architects, planners, conservation specialists, representatives from administrations and institutions and other experts met in Hamburg for the “Co2olBricks Results and Joint Declaration Signing Conference”. more
All presentations, the Joint Declaration and the Policy Paper are online here.
Co2olBricks Results online
Main Projects results are online here.
12.11.2013 | 03.12.2013 | 16.12.2013
New Co2olBricks Newsletter online
The current Co2olBricks Newsletter Issues #6, #7 and #8 are available right now. more
12.11.2013 | Brussels | Belgium
Information Event in Brussels
On 12th November 2013, Co2olBricks was presented in Brussels in the saloon of the „Hanse-Office“. more
11.11.2013 | Kiel | Germany
Co2olBricks Kiel is Winner of the „Energy Olympics“
The City of Kiel is the winner of the „Energy Olympics 2013” in the category “Organisation and Rule of Conduct” for their model conservation plan and consultations activities in the model area Elmschenhagen. more
Co2olBricks is flagship project!
Since February 2013, Co2olBricks is one of two flagship projects of the priority area “Culture - Developing and promoting the common culture and cultural identity” and listed in the Action Plan for the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).
The actions of the EUSBSR are implemented by means of flagship projects. Flagship projects demonstrate the progress of the EUSBSR, and may serve as pilot examples for desired action. A flagship project is frequently the result of a policy discussion within a priority area/horizontal action and fleshes out the ambition of a priority area in a specified field of action.
A flagship project may, for example, develop key solutions, new methodologies, practises or new forms of cooperation and may also concern key investments of regional importance. More information in the Action Plan for the EUSBSR here.
24.-25.10.2013 | Gdansk | Poland
Energy efficiency of historic buildings in “Energy Café”
On 24th – 25th October 2013, the second edition of the Pomeranian Energy Days - 2013 (PED) was held in Amber EXPO – Gdansk exhibition centre. The event is organised by „Pomeranian in the European Union“ Association and is a great opportunity both to present the latest technologies in the field of energy and to talk about entire spectrum of the energy subject. more
10.10.2013 | Kohtla-Jarve | Estonia
Training Seminar in Kohtla-Jarve
As part of Co2olBricks project, Kohtla-Jarve hosted a training seminar on improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs in historic buildings. more
02.-04.10.2013 | Mariestad | Sweden
Building conservation convention in Mariestad
Some brilliant autumn Days in early October, “Byggnadsvårdens konvent” (Building conservation convention) took place in the Swedish small town, Mariestad. It was the first year the convention was conducted, inspired by the German “Denkmal”, and organizers were The Swedish Association for Building Preservation, The Craft Laboratory, Västarvet and the Swedish National Heritage Board. The organizers had expected about 200 participants but at the Convention boot over 400 people had signed up. more
20.-22.09.2013 | Tallinn | Estonia
Family Festival EcoMess 2013
EcoMess is a whole family festival, which was held this year for the third time at Telliskivi Creative City on the 20-22 of September 2013. more
19.09.2013 | Bolzano/Bozen | Italy
3rd meeting of the European standardization group on “Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings” (CEN TC346 WG8)
Parallel to the European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation (EWCHP) the 3rd meeting of the European standardization group on “Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings” (CEN TC346 WG8) took place in the setting of Haselburg/Castel Flavon on 19th of September in Bolzano, Italy. more
18.09.2013 | Bolzano/Bozen | Italy
3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation (EWCHP)
The 3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation (EWCHP) is a European Cluster Workshop on research and development activities in the field of cultural heritage and its preservation for future generations. The workshop took place on September 16-17, 2013 and an additional training day on September 18, 2013 in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy - the portal to the Dolomites, UNESCO world natural heritage site. The event was hosted by EURAC research and 3ENCULT project. more
17.09.2013 | Minsk | Belarus
Seminar "Problems of Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings"
The seminar "Problems of Energy Efficiency of Historic Buildings" took place in Minsk on 17 September 2013. The event was held at the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The seminar was moderated by Director of RCTT Dr. Alexander Uspenskiy. more
16.-18.09.2013 | Gdansk | Poland
Preparing the Joint Declaration & Policy Paper at Project Meeting in Gdansk
In September Co2olBricks partners met for their Project Partner Meeting in Gdansk, Polen. Further informations will follow...
02.-04.09.2013 | Minsk | Belarus
Work package 4 „Technical Innovations“ meeting in Minsk / Belarus
The Co2olBricks partners of work package (WP) 4 met in Minsk in Belarus from 2. – 4. September 2013. more
20.08.2013 | Hamburg | Germany
The Hamburg Brick Forum - “History and Legacy – Brick as the threatened Sign of its Times”
On 20th August 2013 more than 100 architects, engineers, investors and representatives from housing companies, institutions and administrations joined the second evening of the Hamburg Brick Forum. more
New Co2olBricks Newsletter online
The current Co2olBricks Newsletter Issue #5 is available right now. more
23.-24.07.2013 | Kohtla-Jarve | Estonia
International Seminar in Kohtla-Jarve
During July 23-24, 2013, as part of the Co2olBricks project, Estonia hosted international information seminar «New technologies in construction and energy saving methods in refurbishment of historical buildings». more
01.07.2013 | Visby | Sweden
A Co2olBricks travelling exhibition
The Stockholm City Museum has developed a travelling exhibition about the Co2ol Bricks
project. The exhibition was inaugurated on Monday 1st July, in the Almedalen Week
(Almedalsveckan). The opening is presented in cooperation with “Spara och Bevara” (The Swedish Energy Agency’s research program for energy efficiency in cultural heritage buildings). more
30.06.-07.07.2013 | Visby | Sweden
Co2olBricks at Almedalsveckan 2013
The Political week (Almedalsveckan) in Sweden is an unique event. It takes place in the medieval city of Visby, every year the first week of July. What makes it so special is that you can meet all politicians, from every party, in the streets and this year maybe 20.000 people participated made up by a crowd of members of the political parties, journalists and other people with interest in the society. more
13.06.2013 | Kohtla-Jarve | Estonia
Invitation to 10th International Contest for Children's Art "Art: Play or Creative Work?" -
2013 Contest theme: "Historical Buildings in modern World"
Ahtme Art School would like to invite art students representing art schools and studios to participate in its 10th International Contest of Children’s Art. more
12.-13.06.2013 | Tallinn | Estonia
Ventilation and energy efficiency in historically valuable houses
The Co2olBricks project partners SRIK from Tallinn in Estonia and KIINKO from Helsinki in Finland are preparing teaching material for Co2olBricks about ventilation and energy efficiency in historically valuable houses. Within this process a group of ventilation and energy efficiency experts were invited and came together for a two-day working session 12. – 13. June 2013 in Tallinn. more
06.06.2013 | Hamburg | Germany
Excursion to research project Passierzettel
On 6. June thirteen project partners participated in the excursion to the research and pilot project in Hamburg at Passierzettel. more
03.-06.06.2013 | Kiel | Germany
Public Seminar and Policy Paper - Project Meeting in Kiel
In the beginning of June, Co2olBricks partners met for their Project Partner Meeting in Kiel, Germany. more
22.-24.04.2013 | Helsinki | Finland / Stockholm | Sweden
Finnish Excursion to Stockholm
Finnish Co2olBricks partner – Kiinko Real Estate Education organized an excursion to Stockholm in April. more
18.04.2013 | Stockholm | Sweden
Policy Paper and Joint Declaration - WP3 Meeting in Stockholm
During a lunch-to-lunch workshop in Stockholm, most of the Co2olBricks partnerscame together to discuss the upcoming work on WP3 deliverables. more
16.04.2013 | Copenhagen | Denmark
Three Reports about Refurbishments in Copenhagen, Denmark online
Three different reports about refurbishment concepts on historical buildings in Copenhagen, Denmark are online and ready to download here.
10.04.2013 | Hamburg | Germany
Wall heating as a chance for the preservation of the Cultural Building Heritage
The Co2olBricks project partner „ Coordination Centre for Climate Issues” from the Hamburg Ministry for Urban Development and Environment in cooperation with the Department for Heritage Preservation currently released a publication with basic information about wall heating systems. more
05.04.2013 | Minsk | Belarus
RCTT participated in the meeting about Green Building in Central and Eastern Europe
On 5th April, 2013 in the conference hall of the hotel "Yubileiny" took place informal meeting organized by the Education Taskforce for the World Green Building Council and the International public organisation "Ecoproject Partnership". more
19.03.2013 | Växjö | Sweden
Joint Regional Strategic Activity in Sweden
On 19th March 2013, Co2olBricks partner Swedish National Heritage Board had a WP3 "Joint Regional Strategic Activity" together with partner Energy Agency for Southeast of Sweden in Växjö. The target group of the workshop was consultants - energy experts and building conservators - and it attracted in total 33 participants. more
15.03.2013 | Minsk | Belarus
Meeting of the Belarusian Advisory Board on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
The meeting of the Belarusian advisory board on energy efficiency in buildings took place in Minsk on March 15, 2013. The meeting was organized by International public organization "Ecoproject "Partnership" (IPO "Ecopartnership"). The meeting gathered around 20 participants - representatives of government, design organizations, regulatory authorities, housing and communal services, non-governmental organizations, including representatives of the RCTT. more
28.02.2013 | Minsk | Belarus
V. International Conference "Energy efficient construction in the Republic of Belarus"
The V. International Conference "Energy efficient construction in the Republic of Belarus" took place in Minsk on February 28, 2013. The Conference was organized by the agency "Community Forums". Over 150 experts from Belarus, Germany, Russia and Ukraine participated in the conference including representatives of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (RCTT). more
New Co2olBricks Newsletter online
The current Co2olBricks Newsletter Issue #4 is available right now. more
11.-13.02.2013 | Riga | Latvia
Transnational Co2olBricks Project Partner Meeting at Riga Town Hall
In February the Co2olBricks partners and the steering committee members met in Riga to talk about the first draft of the joint declaration – which will sum up the main findings of the project work and recommendations –, the results of project achieved so far and the steps until the end of project. Therefore the three days of the meeting were focused on the outputs of every main work package (political development, technical solutions and education) and the combination and implementation of the results. more
22.01.2013 | Gdansk | Poland
Consultations and survey results
In the fourth quarter of 2012, Representatives of the European Foundation for Monuments Protection, make the consultations on the energy efficiency of historic buildings in Poland, conducted among peoples involved in this topic. The main tool in the process of consultations was the survey carried out among people, who are close to the thermo modernization of historic buildings. more
15.12.2012 | Vilnius | Lithuania
Co2olBricks at VI annual Lithuanian Urban Forum
On 15th of December 2012 Co2olBricks presented their activities at the VI annual Lithuanian Urban Forum organized by the Ministry of Environment in Vilnius (link). Every year urban forum is organized and experts of town planning, architecture, heritage preservation are discussing current topics. more
11.12.2012 | Katowice | Poland
Co2olBricks' cooperation with SERPENTE project in Poland
Co2olBricks is not the only interregional project dealing with energy efficiency. Similar activities, but focused on improving the energy efficiency of public service buildings, are carried out within the SERPENTE project, co-financed by INTERREG IVC programme. more
22.-24.11.2012 | Leipzig | Germany
Co2olBricks at Fair and Conference “denkmal 2012”
From 22.-24. November 2012 Co2olBricks presented their activities at the trade fair “denkmal2012” in Leipzig (link) where every two years experts from all areas of heritage preservation come together to show their products, to discuss current topics and to do networking. more
22.11.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
German Deputy Ambassador to Belarus visited RCTT
Mr. Peter Dettmar, deputy head of mission at the German embassy in Minsk visited RCTT on 22 November 2012. At the meeting with Mr. Peter Dettmar from Belarusian side was attended by Dr. Sergei Chizhik, Deputy Chairman of the NAS of Belarus and Dr. Alexander Uspenskiy, Director RCTT. The guests were informed about the NAS of Belarus and Centre’s activity. Parties discussed of possible directions and forms of cooperation.
During the meeting, Mr. Peter Dettmar was informed about Co2olBricks and Mr. Peter Dettmar was given a set of materials prepared by the project. more
15.11.2012 | Gdansk | Poland
Completion of research on the Case Study in Poland - BHP Hall - Solidarity Museum
The BHP Hall in Gdansk Shipyard is a great example of a brick industrial building comes from the XIX century. It’s also a special place for the Solidarity movement from the 80s. The Hall is entered in the Monuments Register of Pomeranian Voivodeship and do not have their original function any more. In the years 2006-2010 the building was completely re-valued and rebuilt so that it can serve as a Solidarity Museum and conference hall.
Thermo modernization of BHP Hall has also been carried out, and it was the reason that building has been selected as one of the case studies of Co2olBricks project in Poland. more
05.-07.11.2012 | Vilnius | Lithuania
Transnational Co2olBricks Project Partner Meeting at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
At the beginning of November the Co2olBricks partners and the steering committee members met in Vilnius to continue the discussion about the development of the project, the results so far achieved and the steps to follow. Every day of the meeting was focused on one of the three main work packages to implement the combination of climate protection and preservation of historic buildings. more
25.-26.10.2012 | Gdansk | Poland
Pomeranian Energy Days
On 25 -26 October 2012 Gdansk was a host of Pomeranian Energy Days (PED). Event organised by "Pomeranian in the European Union" Association was held in “AmberExpo” - Convention Center. This dynamic event bringing together research institutions, energy industry entrepreneurs and youth education animators to present and discuss on energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and the prospects of the development of these areas in the region. more
25.10.2012 | Wroclaw | Poland
Co2olBricks visits conference "European Territorial Cooperation - Experiences and Perspectives"
On 25th October Wroclaw held big and very important conference organized by Polish Ministry of Regional Development –“"European Territorial Cooperation - Experiences and Perspectives". Event, which took place in the Mercury Hotel, hosted the representatives of many cross-border projects implemented in Poland, including the European Foundation for Monuments Protection with presentation of the Co2ol Bricks project. more
18.-19.10.2012 | Torun | Poland
Torun - Polish capital of monuments conservation
On 18 - 19 October Toruń held two important and connected events: XVII Monuments Conservation Fair “Konserwacje” and XV Conservators Forum. First one is annual exhibition event for representatives of the services and products relating to the maintenance of historic buildings. Forum was devoted to monuments financing from EU funds and workshop on the quality and accuracy of conservation treatments. European Foundation for Monuments Protection was present at these events to learn about the latest trends in conservation and draw attention to the problem of thermal insulation of historical buildings. more
17.09.2012 | Malmö | Sweden
Co2olBricks Midterm Conference in Malmö, Sweden with fruitful discussions
On September 17th, 2012 the Co2olBricks partners had their Midterm Conference with the presentation of the interim results of the project and fruitful discussions with numerous participants with different kind of backgrounds and members of the partner project CLICC. The event took place at the Malmömassan in Sweden and was combined with the 7th partner meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. more
Third Baseline Study and Interim Broschure published and ready to download
The third Baseline Study "Educational Situation and Labour Market Conditions in the Baltic Sea Region - Baseline Study of Work Package 5 "Education and Economic Promotion"" and the Interim Broschure "Energetic refurbishment of historic buildings in the Baltic Sea Region" are published and available to download here
12.-14.09.2012 | Cracow | Poland
Co2ol Bricks on Second Urban Regeneration Congress
On 12 – 14 September 2012, Cracow held Second Urban Regeneration Congress. First edition of this event in 2010 was a huge success of organizer – The Institute Of Urban Development. So was this year, when the next edition brought together nearly 250 professionals from various areas, such like architects, conservators, representatives of local authorities, ministries and scientists from all over Poland. Since the renovation of the building is an important part of urban renewal, the European Foundation for Monuments Protection, Polish partner of Co2ol Bricks, decided to participate in this event. more
03.-06.09.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
20th International Specialized Exhibition BUDPRAGRES '2012 is over
20th International Specialized Exhibition BUDPRAGRES '2012 took place in Minsk on September 3-6, 2012. The Exhibition was organized by JSC "MinskExpo" under the support of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus and Belarusian Union of Builders. The exhibition gathered more than 350 participants from 12 countries (Austria, Belarus, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Czech Republic and Switzerland). more
23.-24.08.2012 | Visby | Sweden
Workshop "Cautious energy efficiency""
The workshop in 2012 in Visby was initiated by Co2olBricks project partner Swedish National Heritage Board and was the start-up of a continous network among governmental authorities - The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning; National Property Board, Energy Agency together with Gotland University- involved in or effected by energy efficiency in cultural heritage buildings. more
14.08.2012 | Hamburg | Germany
Co2olBricks visits brickyard
On 14 August 2012, the Co2olBricks partner Hamburg Department for Heritage Preservation had organised a stakeholder meeting with an excursion to compare two different techniques to make bricks. more
31.07.2012 | Hamburg | Germany
Co2olBricks' successful Hamburg Summer of Architecture
During this years Hamburg Summer of Architecture Co2olBricks organised three events to show an example where the historic brick façade was not touched but the total heating energy consumption was reduced by 2/3. more
13.07.2012 | Hamburg | Germany
Project Staff Member wanted!
The Hamburg Department for Heritage Preservation is looking for a new Project Staff Member! more
01.-08.07.2012 | Almedalen | Sweden
Spara Bevara - joint exhibition at Almedalen 2012
The Baltic Sea Region programme project Co2olBricks represented by work package leader of WP 3 and the national research programme Spara och Bevara made a joint effort and made an exhibition at the political week in Sweden in Almedalen. It communicates the projects work and aim within energy efficiency and cultural heritage buildings to the gathered target groups of politicans, organizations and others who want to raise a political or social issue. more
New Co2olBricks Newsletter online
The current Co2olBricks Newsletter Issue #3 is available right now. more
27.06.2012 | Brussels | Belgium
Round table meeting of Cluster Energy for Green Growth in Brussels
On 27th of June 2012 the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Cluster Energy Round Table took place in the premises of the Hanseoffice in Brussels.
The Cluster Energy with its participating projects was presented and with the representative from the BSR Joint Technical Secreteriat (JTS) policy paper “ECO-CITY-2020+” was discussed. more
18.-21.06.2012 | Kaliningrad | Russia
New line of cooperation between Polish, German and Russian schools started thanks to Co2olBricks
From 18 – 21 June, youths and teachers from polish School of Engineering and Environment in Gdansk went on trip to their partner in Kaliningrad, Russia, coordinated by European Foundation for Monuments Protection and co-financed as a part of Co2olBricks project. more
04.+05.06.2012 | Stockholm | Sweden
Expert Seminar and Workshop on Eco Driving
The Stockholm City Museum has held a expert seminar and workshop on Eco Driving in an Heritage Building. Especially invited was Willy Ociansson who gave the theoretical framework and set up the workshops who was attended by experts in the field of maintance, and operation of the building as well as craftsmen and conservation officers. more
24.05.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
3rd Conference "Reconstruction and Restoration of Buildings: Modern Technologies and Energy Effective Solutions"
3rd Conference "Reconstruction and Restoration of Buildings: Modern Technologies and Energy Effective Solutions" took place in Minsk on May 24, 2012. The Conference was organized by agency "Community Forums" and RCTT with support of the BSR project COOL Bricks. The Conference gathered over 60 participants, including representatives from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, Belarusian Union of Builders, Belarusian Voluntary Society for Protection of Monuments of History and Culture, National Academy of Sciences, universities, R&D institutes and construction companies. more
21.-24.05.2012 | Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve | Estonia
Intensive Partner Meeting and Seminar in Estonia
From 21. – 24. May 2012 the project partners together with Steering Committee and Advisory Board members met in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve in Estonia. more
09.05.2012 | Helsinki | Finland
Open National Seminar "Sustainable refurbishments and historic buildings"
Kiinko Real Estate Education organized an open national Co2olBricks seminar in Helsinki, Finland on 9th of May 2012. Presentations in the seminar covered topics on how to sustainably refurbish historic buildings from the inner climate and building physics point of view. more
07.05.2012 | Copenhagen | Denmark
Report about the Refurbishment of Faestningens Materialgard published
A report, produced by Strunge Jensen A/S for Danish Building Research Institute, SBi at Aalborg University, about the Refurbishment of Faestningens Materialgard was published right now and is available to download. more
16.04.2012 | Gdansk | Poland
Successful International Conference on Monuments Protection and Energy Efficiency in Gdansk / Poland
The European Foundation for Monuments Protection as a Polish project partner organized the International Conference on "Monuments Protection - Energy Efficiency" in Gdansk on 16.04.2012. The conference with 121 participants was held under the Honorary Patronage of Marshal of Pomeranian Voivodeship Mieczyslaw Struk. Purpose of the conference was to present the recent results of the project Co2olBricks to Polish specialists, conservators, architects, energy auditors, officials and representatives of professional associations. more
12.04.2012 | Gdansk | Poland
Workshop of Educational Group for Youths from Hamburg, Kaliningrad and Gdansk
During the days from 12.04.2012 till 16.04.2012 students from three schools of Hamburg, Kaliningrad and Gdansk were invited to participate in a Workshop of Educational Group for Youths under the coordination of European Foundation for Monuments Protection.
Polish School of Engineering and Environment was the host of the Workshop. The other two participating schools were Emil Krause Gymnasium from Hamburg-Barmbek and Kaliningrad State College of Urban Development. more
First two Baseline Studies published and ready to download
The first two Baseline Studies "The Situation of Climate Protection and Cultural Heritage - Baseline study of Work Package 3 Policy Development" and "Refurbishment for the energy efficiency of historic buildings in member states in the Baltic Sea Region - A handbook of the “most common methods for improvements to energy efficiency” - Baseline study of Work Package 4 Technical Innovations" are published and are available to download here.
01.04.2012 | Frankfurt/Berlin | Germany
KfW-Effizienzhaus Denkmal / KfW-Energy efficient monument
Energieberater Denkmal/ Energy adviser monument
In Germany a new funding programme of the KfW-Förderbank (German promotional bank of the Federal Republic and the federal states) will become effective from 1st of April: The “KfW-Effizienzhaus Denkmal”. It creates the opportunity for monument owners to refurbish their historic building due to the requirements of the Department of Heritage Preservation and receive national funding for the refurbishment of energy efficiency measures. Therefore a specially qualified energy adviser for monuments “Energieberater Denkmal” will work together with the owner, architects and normal energy auditors. more
29.03.2012 | Hamburg | Germany
Hamburg Climate Action Plan 2007-2012 - Update 2011-2012 available in english
The Climate Action Plan 2007 – 2012 of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is a political successful programme which deserved acknowledgement on national and international scale; amongst others the honour “European Green Capital 2011”. Hamburg contributes active to stop the global climate change and reduce the global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. The fourth update 2011 - 2012 of the Hamburg Climate Action Plan is available in English now. download
23.03.2012 | Ljungby | Sweden
Seminar for Climate Commission of Kronoberg Region
Co2olBricks and Energy Agency of Southeast Sweden will be speaking at a seminar for politicians, municipal officers and representatives from private companies in the city of Ljungby 23 of March. The meeting is one of regular upcoming meetings in the region Kronoberg with this group connected to the work with Covenant of Mayors and the presentation will help to reach out better with the Co2olBricks project ambitions and raise the awareness in the region. more
22.03.2012 | Stockholm | Sweden
Workshop on Redevelopment of "The old gas works area"
On march 22nd the City of Stockholm and the Development administration/Stockholm Royal Seaport, arranges a seminar on the redevelopment of "The old gas works area" of Hjorthagen. more
17.03.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
RCTT to collaborate with agency "Community Forums"
On 14 March the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer and the agency "Community Forums" signed their bilateral agreement of cooperation.
The agreement provides for reciprocal promotion of products, assistance in positive images-making of the collaborating parties among potential customers and business partners, measures and information support poised at further building of the parties' business reputation.
As part of the agreement partners will hold on May 24 in Minsk with support of the project "Co2olBricks" the 3rd Conference "Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures".
07.03.2012 | Visby | Sweden
Workshop for Swedish national authorities
The Swedish National Heritage Board has now started with the work to plan for two workshops on the theme “Energy efficiency in historical buildings, means of control, guidelines, competence and methodology”. more
29.02.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
RCTT at the IV International Conference "Energy efficient construction"
IV International Conference "Energy efficient construction: modern energy saving technologies" took place in Minsk on February 29, 2012. more
20.-23.02.2012 | Veliky Novgorod | Russia
New Impressions and good Experiences from Russia - Project Partner Meeting and International Seminar in Veliky Novgorod
From 20. – 23. February 2012 the project partners of Co2olBricks convened for their fifth partner meeting and international seminar in Veliky Novgorod in Russia, about 200 km south east of St. Petersburg. more
01.02.2012 | Stockholm | Sweden
National coordination meeting and expert seminar in Stockholm
On 1st of February, there was an expert seminar in Stockholm on energy efficiency in historical buildings. The participants came from whole over Sweden. more
New Co2olBricks Newsletter online
The current Co2olBricks Newsletter is available right now. more
11.01.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
Approved State Program "Castles of Belarus" for 2012–2018
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Resolution No. 17 of January 6, 2012 the State Program "Castles of Belarus" for 2012–2018.
The purpose of the State Program is to create favorable conditions for the preservation, restoration and rational use of historical and cultural heritage objects, development of domestic and inbound tourism. more
28.12.2011 | Minsk | Belarus
Energy Performance Certificates of Buildings will be issued in Belarus in 2012
In the first quarter of 2012 in Belarus will be issued Energy performance certificates of buildings, said December 14, 2011 at a press conference Leonid Shenets — director of Department for Energy Efficiency of the State Committee for Standardization. more
12.-14.12.2011 | Malmö | Sweden
Official Co2olBricks Seminar in Malmö, Sweden
In December the Co2olBricks partners met in Malmö to continue discussing the project’s development and how to proceed. Baseline studies for policy development for technical solutions and for education and training in the partner countries have been developed and needed to be discussed in order to see how these should and could be used to argue and move forward the issue of energy efficiency in historic buildings.
On 14.12.2011 the project partners of Co2olBricks and 8 guests attended a very intensive and interesting seminar about internal insulation, development of standards for energetic refurbishment of listed buildings and the stakeholder participation in the implementation of energy efficiency measures. more
08.12.2011 | Hamburg | Germany
BFW Workinggroup "Energy" - Climate Protection versus Heritage Preservation (Klimaschutz versus Denkmalschutzamt)
Invited by the Bundesverband Freier Immobilien- und Wohnungsunternehmen (BFW) (Federal Association of Free Real Estate and Housing Companies) the project Co2olBricks performed a workshop in the Exhibition Center of "CO2-Sparhaus" in Hamburg. Over 50 interested participants from private and cooperative housing companies, authorities, architects, banks, lawyer offices, energy consultants and further stakeholders listened to speeches from representatives from Hamburg Monuments Preservation Department. more
30.11.2011 | Kalmar | Sweden
Seminar by Swedish Association for Building Preservation in Kalmar, Sweden
The Swedish Association for Building Preservation arrange seminars in four different places in Sweden during the autumn on the theme reduction of energy consumption and building preservation. The Co2ol Bricks project is represented in the seminar program, first in Stockholm in October by the Swedish partner Stockholm City Museum and on the 30th of November in Kalmar. more
24./25.11.2011 | Lida | Belarus
Seminar "Energy Savings in Construction"
In the context of the project "Urb.Energy — Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action" the "Energy Savings in Construction" seminar took place in Lida (Belarus) on November 24–25, 2011.
Over 30 experts from different regions of the Republic of Belarus participated in the seminar including representatives of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (RCTT). more
18.11.2011 | Minsk | Belarus
Awarding of winners in the nomination "Best Innovative Project (Technology) for Restoration of Historical Buildings" and final session
The closing ceremony of the Belarusian Innovation Week and 3rd Belarusian Innovation Forum was held at the National Academy of Sciences.
The final chord was the awarding of winners and laureates of the Contest of Innovative Projects. Director of RCTT, Alexander Uspenskiy, presented RCTT's diplomas to winners of innovative projects in the nominations of "Best Innovative Project for EurAsEC Countries" und "Best Innovative Project (Technology) for Restoration of Historical Buildings".
In the frame of the closing day the session "Innovation technologies for improving the energy efficiency in historic buildings" also took place in Minsk on November 18, 2011. more
17.11.2011 | Kiel | Germany
Professional forum "Sustainable quarters‘ development: ambitious refurbishment and design of buildings"
The event with about 70 participants took place on Thursday, 17.11.2011, from 10.00 to 13.00 o’clock in the lecture hall of the fair “Stadt-Land-Umwelt - Schleswig-Holstein” (Town-Country-Environment - Schleswig-Holstein) in Ostseekai, Wall, Kiel, Germany. more
15.11.2011 | Minsk | Belarus
Co2olBricks is presented at the exhibition of the Belarusian Innovation Week "Intelligence, Initiative, Innovations"
The Belarusian Innovation Week "Intelligence, Initiative, Innovations" started Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at the National Library in Minsk, in the frame of which 3rd Belarusian Innovation Forum and an Exhibition of Innovative Products are held. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Mikhail Myasnikovich, the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Anatoly Rusetsky, the Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, Ihar Voitau and Nobel Prize Laureate, Jores Alferov visited the Exhibition of Innovative Products. more
13.10.2011 | Riga | Latvia
Seminar on "energy efficiency in historical brick buildings" in Riga, Latvia
Riga City Council, City Development department organized expert seminar on "energy efficiency in historical brick buildings: issues and opportunities" on 13.10.11. in Riga. Wide range of expertise in total 75 representatives were present ensuring fruitful discussions between administrative institutions, architects, engineers, housing and building companies, universities. more
12.-14.10.2011 | Helsinki | Finland
Successful seminar and intensiv work in Helsinki, Finland
From 10th to 12th October 2011 the partners of the EU-Interreg IVB Baltic Sea Region project Co2olBricks met in Helsinki, Finland to compile their work of the last five months and to discuss the results with external experts, architects and planners during a one day seminar. more
10.-12.10.2011 | Wroclaw | Poland
4th European Heritage Forum
One of the events within the European Heritage Days this year was the 4th European Heritage Forum. It was a joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Union in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Republic of Poland and the National Heritage Board of Poland. more
16.09.2011 | Hamburg | Germany
Schwan & Spehr Architects Wall Tempering System at Stakeholder Meeting
On the 16th of September 2011 the architects Christoph Schwan and Wolfram Spehr presented their wall tempering system at a stakeholder meeting in the Department for Heritage Preservation in Hamburg. 16 participants from housing companies, architectural offices and authorities listened to the informative explanations of the architects. more
11.09.2011 | Hamburg | Germany
First "Insulation Concert"
In Hamburg took place the first „insulation concert” on a composite heat insulation system in the settlement Dulsberg. During the day of the open monument on the 10th of September 2011 the artist Shahin Shokoui made his performance in cooperation with the Department for Heritage Preservation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Watch the video here.
02.09.2011 | Wroclaw | Poland
Conference "Energetic Autonomy of a house, district, community and region"
The conference "Energetic Autonomy of a house, district, community and region" was held in the beginning of September 2011, in Wroclaw, organized by Free Entrepreneurship Association under the patronage of Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, and Rafał Jurkowlaniec, the Marshall of Lower Silesia Voivodeship. more
19.08.2011 | Gdansk | Poland
Styrofoam Monsters
"Styrofoam Monsters" is the name given during the “Black March against the violence against brick architecture of the Free City of Gdansk” to describe buildings where this popular method of insulation was used. more
11.08.2011 | Minsk | Belarus
Express-Analysis of Technical Solutions for Restoration of Historical Buildings in Belarus
In the frame of Co2olBricks the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (RCTT) representing Belarus is entrusted with the task to conduct express-analysis of technical solutions aimed to reduce energy consumption of historical buildings without destroying their cultural value, which are used in Belarus during restoration works. Express-analysis will be based on forms filled by interested organizations. more
01.06.2011-04.06.2011 | Kothla-Järve |Estonia
International Youth Conference in Kothla-Järve
From 1st June 2011 until 4th of June 41 pupils from Sweden, Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, and Germany took part in the International Youth Conference on “Climate Change, Cultural Heritage and Energy Efficient Monuments” in Kothle-Järve, Estonia.
All in all over 80 persons participated in the conference... more
31.03.2011/01.04.2011 | Hamburg | Germany
Kick-off Expert Conference in Hamburg
On 1st April 2011 Co2olBricks publicly started its work with an international expert Conference on Heritage Preservation and Energy Efficiency in Hamburg. Over 120 international experts from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland and Germany attended the conference... more
- (source: Jan Gerbitz, ZEBAU GmbH)
- (sources: Jan Prahm, DA Hamburg | Jan Gerbitz, ZEBAU GmbH)
- (source: Nicolai Wieckmann, DA Hamburg)

- (source: Jelena Dulneva)
- (source: Gustav Staf-Rydén)
- CEN-group walks into the meeting at Castel Flavon, Bolzano. (source: Therese Sonehag)

- (source: Jelena Dulneva, Kohtla-Jarve)
- (source: Lisa Sarban, City of Stockholm)

- (source: Denkmalschutzamt Hamburg)
- (source: KIINKO)
- (source: Swedish National Heritage Board)
- (source: RCTT)
- (source: RCTT)
- (source: Denkmalschutzamt Hamburg)

- (source: VGTU)
- (source: Department for Heritage Preservation)
- (source: RCTT)
- (source:
- (source: Department for Heritage Preservation)
- (source: European Foundation for Monuments Protection)
- (source: European Foundation for Monuments Protection)
- (source: EFOZ)
- (source: Department for Heritage Preservation)
- (source: Department for Heritage Preservation)
- (source: Gustav Staf-Rydén, University of Gotland)

- Brandenburg Castle (source: European Fundation for Monuments Protection)
- (source: Tomas Örn, The Stockholm City Museum)
- (source: RCTT / "Community Forums")
- (source: Department for Heritage Preservation Hamburg)
- (source: T. Filipkowski)
- (source: EFOZ)
- (source: Göran Fredriksson, The Stockholm City Museum)

- (source: RCTT)
- (source: Department of Heritage Preservation Hamburg)
- (source: Tomas Örn, The Stockholm City Museum 2012)
- (source: RCTT)
- (source: City of Malmö)
- Kalmar County Museum
- (source: RCTT)
- (source: RCTT)
- (source: Amanda Saleniece, Riga City Council)

- (source: EFOZ)
- (source: EFOZ)
- (source: EFOZ)
- (source: Kohtla-Järve Town Council / Igor Parv)
- Minister of Culture, Barbara Kisseler (source: Department for Heritage Preservation Hamburg / Susanne Ludwig)