BSSSC - website
METREX - website
EUCO2 - website
Hamburg Green Capital - website
European Sustainable Energy Week Brussels - website
Open Days Brussels - website
European Heritage Days - website
Europawoche Hamburg - website
Europäisches Kompetenzzentrum für energetische Altbausanierung und Denkmalpflege des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Bauphysik IBP - website
International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and the Preservation of Monuments - website
Related Projects
- 3ENCULT (Efficient Energy for EU Cultural Heritage) - website
- ALPhouse (Alpine Building Culture and Ecology) - website
- Baltic Biogas Bus Project - website
- Bioenergy Promotion (the Bioenergy Promotion project will promote the development of a sustainable production of and commercialisation of biomass in the Baltic Sea Region) - website
- BSRQuick (Qualification, Innovation and Cooperation for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region - website
- Climate for Culture - website
- E2 Rebuild (Industrialised energy efficient retrofitting of residential buildings in cold climates) - website
- EVoCH (Economic Value of European Cultural Heritage) - website
- HELTH (Healthy and energy efficient living in traditional rural houses) - website
- Longlife (Sustainable, energy efficient and resource saving residential buildings in consideration of unified procedures and new and adapted technologies) - website
- New4old (New energy for old buildings) - website
- PEA (Public Energy Alternatives) - website
- REMOWE (Regional Mobilizing of Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Production) - website
- SECHURBA (Sustainable Energy Communities in historic urban areas) - website
- Spara och Bevara - website
- SPIN (Sustainable Production through Innovation in SMEs) - website
- SuHiTo (Sustainable Historic Towns) - website
- UrbEnergy (Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action) - website
- Cluster Energy – cluster initiative of “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources” in the BSR - website
Project Partners
Department for Heritage Preservation Hamburg - website
Ministry for Urban Development and Environment Hamburg - website
Vocational Training Centre Hamburg - website
City of Kiel - website
City of Stockholm / Stockholm City Museum - website
Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden - website
Swedish National Heritage Board - website
City of Malmö - website
Danish Building Research Institute, SBi at Aalborg University - website
Estonian Heritage Society - website
Kothla-Järve Town Government - website
Centre for Development Programs (EMI-ECO) - website
City of Riga - website
Riga Technical University - website
European Foundation of Monuments Protection - website
Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Belarus - website
KIINKO - Real Estate Education - website
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - website