29.02.2012 | Minsk | Belarus
RCTT at the IV International Conference "Energy efficient construction"
IV International Conference "Energy efficient construction: modern energy saving technologies" took place in Minsk on February 29, 2012.
The Conference was organized by the agency "Community Forums". Over 120 experts from Belarus, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine participated in the conference including representatives of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (RCTT).
A welcome speech to the audience gave Minenkov A.V., head of the Science and technology policy and international relations of the Department for Energy Efficiency of the State Committee for Standardization of Belarus.
Alexander Uspenskiy, director of the RCTT presented at the conference an international project "Co2olBricks - Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments".
Natalia Andreenko, coordinator of projects on energy saving and climate change of the International public organization "Ecoproject Partnership" delivered presentation "Energy performance certification of buildings: first experience in Belarus".
Further information on agenda of the Conference, delivered reports and pictures could be found here.