09.05.2012 | Helsinki | Finland
Open National Seminar "Sustainable refurbishments and historic buildings"
Kiinko Real Estate Education organized an open national Co2olBricks seminar in Helsinki, Finland on 9th of May 2012. Presentations in the seminar covered topics on how to sustainably refurbish historic buildings from the inner climate and building physics point of view. The presentations were given in Finish, the only exception is the presentation that Estonian Mr. Ilomets gave in English.
Mr. Markku Rantama from Kiinko briefly introduced the Co2olBricks project. Ms. Seija Linnanmäki from the National Board of Antiquities gave a presentation about built heritage and preservation of it in Finland. Ms. Marja-Leena Sallinen from Kiinko told about project’s work in WP5 Education and learning packages to be developed during the project. Mr. Jukka Lahdensivu from the Tampere Technical University pointed out many important facts of building physics to be taken into consideration while planning a refurbishment of a historic building. Mr. Simo Ilomets from Tallinna Tehnical University gave a presentation on technical conditions, indoor climate and renovation demand of brick apartment buildings in Estonia. Mr. Jukka Sainio from Insinööritoimisto Maaskola Oy gave a presentation on air ventilation in refurbishing old buildings.
In the audience were 20 people mainly from educational organizations on the field of real estate from all the levels of the educational system. The discussion with teachers, researchers and other specialist was very fruitful. The results of the seminar will be used in implementing whole projects results in Finland.
- Programme - PDF, 0.25 MB
- Osaamisen ja koulutukseen liittyvät haasteet:Rakennussuojeluun ja vanhojen rakennusten energiaosaamiseen liittyvä koulutus Suomessa alustus ja keskustelua - Seija Linnanmäki, Museovirasto - PDF, 10.2 MB
- Co2ol Bricks - hankkeessa luotava koulutusmateriaali ja opetussuunnitelmat -
Marja-Leena Sallinen, Kiinteistöalan Koulutussäätiö - PDF 1, 0.3 MB - PDF 2, 0.08 MB - Rakennusfysiikka ja säilytettävät rakennukset - Jukka Lahdensivu, TTY - PDF, 6.8 MB
- Technical condition, indoor climate and renovation demand of brick apartment buildings in Estonia - Simo Ilomets, Tallinna Tehnika Ülikool - PDF, 4.3 MB
- Ilmanvaihto ja vanhat rakennukset - Jukka Sainio, Insinööritoimisto Maaskola Oy - PDF, 2.6 MB
Further information:
Kiinko Real Estate Education
Development Manager Marja-Leena Sallinen
email: marja-leena.sallinen@kiinko.fi
phone: +358-40-5507914