01.-08.07.2012 | Almedalen | Sweden
Spara Bevara - joint exhibition at Almedalen 2012
The Baltic Sea Region programme project Co2olBricks represented by work package leader of WP 3 and the national research programme Spara och Bevara made a joint effort and made an exhibition at the political week in Sweden in Almedalen. It communicates the projects work and aim within energy efficiency and cultural heritage buildings to the gathered target groups of politicans, organizations and others who want to raise a political or social issue.
In 2012, at Almedalen Week there were 1 476 events in the official program, approximately 800 organisers and an estimated 14 000 persons took part. Audiences at speeches are not included.
The exhibition on Energy Efficiency in the Hanseatic house of Burmeister, in the middle of the crowds, has attracted hundreds of visitors per day. Lars Amréus , the director–general of Swedish National Heritage Board, took the opportunity to visit the exhibition on Thursday and summarized his first Almedalen week in positive terms: "Our presence in Almedalsveckan is important."
Christian Runeby, the head of unit, says that the show has contributed to strengthening cooperation with research. “Work has been permeated by a shared vision of our mission and a personal commitment that may be influenced by the Gotland work culture”, says Christian.