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05.-07.11.2012 | Vilnius | Lithuania

Transnational Co2olBricks Project Partner Meeting at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

At the beginning of November the Co2olBricks partners and the steering committee members met in Vilnius to continue the discussion about the development of the project, the results so far achieved and the steps to follow. Every day of the meeting was focused on one of the three main work packages to implement the combination of climate protection and preservation of historic buildings.

The first day started with the steering committee meeting and went on with a workshop about the “Policy development” for all project partners. The day was closed with a get-together and dinner in the downtown of Vilnius. The second day was reserved for the work package “Education and economic promotion”. During a break in the afternoon a short guided tour was organised with detailed insights into the history of the city and the Lithuanian way of monument preservation. The third and last day consisted of discussions about the third theme “Technical innovations”.  

Every workshop was held in the same course: First a report about the current state was given by the respective work package leader followed by a short introduction about the subject matter for the day. Afterwards the participants were split into small groups who each worked on it in a wide-ranged manner. The results were presented to all participants again and a fruitful discussion took place in order to see what should be done to move forward. The main topics during the three days have been about learning from the pilot projectsand proposed measures for increasing energy efficiency in historic brick buildings, harmonised curricula and education material for different target groups and also guidelines, business plans and templates.

All the discussions emphasized again the need to look at the whole cycle of refurbishment for energy efficiency and preserving the cultural and historical value.


(source: Department for Heritage Preservation)