22.01.2013 | Gdansk | Poland
Consultations and survey results
In the fourth quarter of 2012, Representatives of the European Foundation for Monuments Protection, make the consultations on the energy efficiency of historic buildings in Poland, conducted among peoples involved in this topic. The main tool in the process of consultations was the survey carried out among people, who are close to the thermo modernization of historic buildings. Questionnaire has been prepared for self-completion by the respondent, which consisted of 6 single choice questions. It was handed to participants of the following events:
- II Urban Regeneration Congress in Cracow,
- XV Conservators Forum in Torun,
- Pomeranian Energy Days 2012 and
- Partners Meeting of “SERPENTE” Project in Katowice.
The European Foundation for Monuments Protection reached the consultation issues to representatives of different backgrounds: architects, construction engineers, conservators, politicians, administration officials and energy auditors. Detailed results of the survey were included in the final report.
- Summary of consultations on the energy efficiency problem, conducted with the environment associated with monuments conservation in Poland. Elaboration of the survey - PDF, 0.5 MB
While below the results that respondents gave at the Question 5: "Do Polish construction law rules should be adapted to the new EPBD, which provides increased technical requirements for improving the energy efficiency of an historical objects?"