02.-04.10.2013 | Mariestad | Sweden
Building conservation convention in Mariestad
Some brilliant autumn Days in early October, “Byggnadsvårdens konvent” (Building conservation convention) took place in the Swedish small town, Mariestad. It was the first year the convention was conducted, inspired by the German “Denkmal”, and organizers were The Swedish Association for Building Preservation, The Craft Laboratory, Västarvet and the Swedish National Heritage Board. The organizers had expected about 200 participants but at the Convention boot over 400 people had signed up. There were participants from organizations, businesses and governments. Curators and engineers. The Convention had a section devoted to energy issues, and there was Co2olBricks as one of the most visited points in the program. Therese Sonehag, from the Swedish National Heritage Board and work package leader, gave an introduction to policy development within EU and about the results of Co2olBricks. All in all it was a very successful event and the great interest shows just how hot the energy-matter is.
Some remarks from the convent in media (only in Swedish):
Swedish Radio “Building conservation has become more popular the last few years for both private users as for public environments” here
Result for #bvkonvent (twitter) here
Program etc at Swedish National Heritage Board homepage here