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12.11.2013 | Brussels | Belgium

Information Event in Brussels

On 12th November 2013, Co2olBricks was presented in Brussels in the saloon of the „Hanse-Office“. Founded in 1985, it was the very first regional office in the European Union. In 1987 the so-called information office of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg became the „Hanse-Office“, a common institution of the Länder Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein to the European Union.Representatives of different European countries and of European and regional institutions from Brussels and Belgium joined the afternoon. Present were the Region of South Denmark, the German Länder Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the Heritage Unit of the City of Brussels, the Centre Urbain Stadswinkel and the European Historic Houses Association as well as individual architects. Especially pleasant was the presence of MEP Sabine Wils, DIE LINKE. The afternoon started with a lecture about Co2olBricks, its project structure and an overview of the results of the three workpackages by project coordinator Jan Prahm. Afterwards, during an open discussion and during the closing reception, several questions about the realisations of refurbishments of historic buildings and their technical, economic and social aspects were discussed.Several other institutions contacted Co2olBricks and asked for further information, because they were not able to join the event but are highly interested in the results.