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Kick-off Expert Conference in Hamburg

On 1st April 2011 Co2olBricks publicly started its work with an international expert Conference on Heritage Preservation and Energy Efficiency in Hamburg. Over 120 international experts from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland and Germany attended the conference when the then newly appointed Hamburg Minister of Culture, Barbara Kisseler and Mr Stefan Herms, Director General Department International Relations, Senate Chancellery Hamburg opened the conference. In the second part of the conference four expert lectures where held. The start was made by Mr. Frank-Pieter Hesse, Head of the Department for Heritage Preservation, Hamburg under the title “Values of monuments, values of climate” where he demonstrated the importance of brick buildings for the townscape of Hamburg, especially those from the 1920ies but also from the 1950ies which are endangered to disappear due to outside insulation.
In the following lecture Mr Endrik Arumägi, researcher at the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia gave important insights into the Research principles and renovation demands of the brick apartment buildings in Estonia.
Mrs. Andra Blumberga showed under the title Green Investments for energy efficiency in buildings in Latvia how the country is using revenues from the European Emissions Trading system to improve the energy efficiency of historic and protected buildings in Latvia.
Last but not least Dr.Anatoli Charkashyn, Head of Laboratory of the Research and Production Engineering Enterprise „Institute NIPTIS named after S.Ataev“, Belarus showed the research results of Applied technologies and solutions of heritage preservation and energy efficiency in Belarus.
After the lectures and the following lunch, the project partners started having a study tour to see residential districts in brick architecture of the 1920s. Mr. Albert Schett of the Department for Heritage Preservation, presented impressing examples on how to deal with energy efficient measures at historical buildings.
All presentations can be found here.
Already on the previous day, the project partners had an internal meeting with intensive and fruitful discussions on the wide work programme of the project.

Minister of Culture, Barbara Kisseler