City of Kiel
The City of Kiel has over 230.000 inhabitants and is the capital of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein.
Climate protection is a strategic objective of Kiels policy. Since 2004 Kiel is member of ALIANZA DEL CLIMA. The Environment Department is responsible for the implementation of the Climate Protection Concept decided by the city council in 2008. The City of Kiel is highly involved in activities in the field of energy efficient construction. In 2008 Kiel organised the Innovative Building Exhibition (InBA) included in the IEE project REBECEE and established an own advanced energy standard for new buildings and refurbishments.
The involved Department of Environment will implement several refurbishment projects by private house owners based on model concepts developed in cooperation with energy experts and consultants integrating advanced technical solutions and the special notice of the historical value of the districts. In addition, the department will carry out several own public forums and events and will be present at regional fairs and congresses.
City of Kiel
Environment Department
Jens-Peter Koopmann
fon: +49 431 9013738