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18.11.2011 | Minsk| Belarus

Awarding of winners in the nomination "Best Innovative Project (Technology) for Restoration of Historical Buildings" and final session

The closing ceremony of the Belarusian Innovation Week and 3rd Belarusian Innovation Forum was held at the National Academy of Sciences.

The final chord was the awarding of winners and laureates of the Contest of Innovative Projects. Director of RCTT, Alexander Uspenskiy, presented RCTT's diplomas to winners of innovative projects in the following additional nominations:

  • "Best Innovative Project for EurAsEC Countries",
  • "Best Innovative Project (Technology) for Restoration of Historical Buildings".

In the nomination "Best Innovative Project for EurAsEC Countries" diplomas were presented to:

  • AAR "Vitebsk Business-Centre" for the project "Organization of production of remote controls and provision of related services";
  • EE "Polotsk State University" and "Invar Ltd" for design of "Energy efficient submersible pump".

Information about award nominee projects will be placed in the RCTT-network (, Russian Technology Transfer Network (, send to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and five RCTT partners in the Russian Government and UNIDO project to Enhance the Industrial Integration of EurAsEC Countries with UNIDO global network in Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

In the nomination "Best Innovative Project (Technology) for Restoration of Historical Buildings" diplomas were presented to:

  • EE "Belarusian State Technological University" (Minsk) for the project "Architectural products for restoration of historic buildings";
  • R&D Technological RUE "Institute NIPTIS named after S.S. Ataev" (Minsk) for design of "Vacuum insulation panels for restoration of historic buildings".

Information about award nominee projects will be placed in the RCTT-network (, Russian Technology Transfer Network (, send to 17 RCTT partners in the international project "COOL Bricks - Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments" from 8 countries of the Baltic Sea Region: Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Finland.


In the frame of the closing day the session "Innovation technologies for improving the energy efficiency in historic buildings" also took place in Minsk on November 18, 2011.

Following presentations were given at the session:

  • "COOL Bricks - Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments" — a project of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007–2013
    Dr. Alexader Uspenskiy, director, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer
  • "The experience of energy efficient construction and energy efficiency issues in restoration of historic buildings in the Republic of Belarus"
    Dr. Leonid Danilevski, deputy director,
    Dr. Anatoli Charkashin, head of laboratory, RUE "Institute NIPTIS named after S.S. Ataev" (Minsk)
  • "Architectural products for restoration of historic buildings"
    Prof. Ivan Levitski, head of department,
    Dr. Yury Pavlukevich,
    Prof. Ivan Pisch,
    Dr. Evgenia Dyatlova, EE "Belarusian State Technological University" (Minsk)
  • "Energy efficient restoration of historic buildings in Saxony (Germany)"
    Aliaksei Uspenski, principal specialist, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer
  • "Efficient building products of Belarusian manufacturers which can be used to reduce the energy consumption of historic buildings"
    Dr. Mikhail Dzenisenka, head of technology transfer department, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer.

At conclusion a round table discussion take place where participants discussed the problems of energy-efficient restoration of historic buildings and their solutions.

Presentations made during the session will be included in proceedings of the "3rd Belarusian Innovation Forum".



(source: RCTT)